ICPES 2021 | Shanghai, China|December 18-20, 2021 | Virtual Conference

2022 12th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems

2022 the 12th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (ICPES 2022) was held in Guangzhou, China during December 23-25, 2022, co-sponsored by South China University of Technology, China, UESTC, Guangdong University of Technology, China, IEEE PES, and IEEE.

ICPES 2022 proceedings is archived in IEEE Xplore: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/conhome/10072014/proceeding

ICPES 2022 proceedings is indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus.

当前,光伏、风电等新能源的推广使得电力生产更加低碳化、绿色化,电能的生产、调度和利用向分布式模式转变,交通系统更加智能化、电气化。2020年9月中国明确提出2030年“碳达峰”与2060年“碳中和”目标,要实现这一目标,必须以科技创新为先导。在此时代背景下,由华南理工大学,电子科技大学,广东工业大学,IEEE PES, IEEE联合支持举办的2022年第十二届电力与能源系统国际会议 (ICPES 2022) 于2022年12月23-25日在广州顺利召开。在当前的疫情形势下,考虑到参会专家学者的安全与健康,今年会议最终以线上+线下的形式召开。

ICPES会议从创立至今12年,受到电力能源系统领域学术界和工业界的广泛认可,一直致力于提供一个交流有关新兴技术和应用技术的平台。因此在当前的国际大趋势下,ICPES 2022的主题是 “绿色可持续的未来”,将重点关注电力工程,可再生能源系统,智能电网安全分析和控制、支撑能源互联网的电力市场和能源政策等方面。我们希望通过这次活动,能分享各位专家学者们对“绿色可持续的未来”的看法,并与来自世界各地的研究人员进行讨论。

在本次大会开幕式上,肖东亮老师担任大会主持。他首先邀请了大会主席华南理工大学电力经济与电力市场研究所所长陈皓勇教授 (IEEE Senior Member,全球华人与电力能源协会 ( GCPES )创始人) 为我们致欢迎词,陈教授对此次大会各单位的鼎力协助表示感谢。然后邀请了大会主席广东工业大学赖来利教授 (IEEE Life Fellow & IET Fellow) 致开幕词,赖教授对出席会议的各位专家学者表示热烈的欢迎并预祝会议的圆满成功。之后会议程序主席张真源教授介绍了本次会议概况,包括会议论文集收录情况以及主旨报告专家等,同时也代表全体会议组委会成员向与会嘉宾表达了真挚的感谢。

12月24日, 由赖来利教授主持邀请了3位电力与能源系统相关领域的知名专家做主题报告。他们分别是:国网电力科学研究院名誉院长薛禹胜教授(中国工程院院士);雅典国立技术大学Nikos D.Hatziargyriou教授(IEEE Life Fellow)以及香港理工大学Chi Yung Chung教授 (Fellow of CAE,IEEE, EIC, IET and HKIE)。同时我们还邀请到5位特邀报告专家,他们分别是:清华大学曹军威教授;西北工业大学葛乐飞副教授;西北工业大学齐扬副教授;国网重庆市电力公司电力科学研究院张施令博士(高级工程师)以及华南理工大学刘云副教授。


在作者报告环节,总共进行了22场平行分会,包括了2个海报分会和20个口头报告分会。每场分会由分会场主席安排主持。报告主题涵盖了直流输电与配电系统,综合能源系统与优化,光伏组件与发电系统,高压直流输电系统与线路保护,微电网配置优化与管理,电力系统中的故障定位与诊断,电力系统中的故障分析与保护,智能电气设备设计与性能仿真,电力控制系统与性能监测,电力系统状态监测与维护等。围绕这几类细分主题,各位专家学者积极分享自己的研究成果并就研究领域未来发展方向进行了深入讨论,根据当前科学技术,对将来可能面临的问题也给出了具体的解决方法和相关建议。同时,分会主席也对每个报告人的现场展示,根据内容的独创性, 适用性,技术优点,PPT(海报)制作,以及口述英语流利程度等几个方面进行打分,最终每场分会评选出一位优秀的报告者。

本届ICPES共计收到来自全球多个国家共计343篇投稿,会议采用同行评审的审稿方式,由大会组委会成员和国际审稿专家严格把控论文质量,最终182篇论文被录用并收录至ICPES 2022会议论文集。论文集将于会后提交 IEEE Xplore 在线数据库收录并同时提交至 EI Compendex以及 Scopus 等国际知名检索机构检索。



Excellent Oral Paper Presentation Winners

Scheme Comparison of Substation Expansion and Energy Storage Station Co-construction Based on Improved AHP-FCE
Presenter: Zhanyu Sun, South China University of Technology, China

Performance Analysis of Gas Turbine using Hydrogen-added Natural Gas
Presenter: Hua Xiao, Guangzhou Maritime University, China

Frequency Shaping Control of Deloaded PV System Coordinated with Synchronous Generators
Presenter: Aolin Jian, Tsinghua University, China

Research on AC/DC harmonic transfer characteristics of Hybrid HVDC System
Presenter: Fei Kong, Power Dispatching and Control Center China Southern Power Grid, China

Optimized EMS Real-time Simulation and Validation for Singapore Pulau Ubin Microgrid
Presenter: Ziyuan Qian, Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore

Detection of decomposition products of SF6/N2 gas based on laser spectrum detection and AC-ISODATA-SA fault clustering algorithm
Presenter: Zhang Shiling, State Grid Chongqing Electric Power Company Chongqing Electric Power Research Institute, China

Application of a novel generative adversarial network K-CGAN to industrial maintenance: A case study of Electrical Fault detection and classification
Presenter: Emilija Strelcenia, Bournemouth University, UK

Recognition of Partial Discharge in Medium Voltage Switchgear via Gray-scale Diagram and Support Vector Machine
Presenter: Lei Jin, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China

Design and Application of Intelligent Management and Control System of the Installation of UHV Oil-Immersed Main Transformer Based on Internet of Things
Presenter: Xuan Dong, NARI Group (State Grid Electric Power Research Institute) Co., Ltd, China

Identification of construction vehicles under high voltage transmission line based on improved YOLOv5s
Presenter: Shaojun Liu, State Grid Nanjing Power Supply Co., China

Optimal Calculation of Current Carrying Capacity of Cables in Distribution Network by Probability Method Considering Parameter Uncertainty
Presenter: Mingyang Zheng, Shanghai University of Electric Power, China

Application Scenario Analysis and Prospect of Electricity Emissions Factor
Presenter: Xiao Dan Huang, China Center for Information Industry Development, China

Dynamic Characteristic Analysis of a Pump-turbine Unit under the High Pressure Pulsation Operating Condition --- Fluid Dynamics Analysis
Presenter: Xingxing HAUNG, Tsinghua University, China

Modeling and Simulation Verification of Broadband Oscillation in Actual Grid of Doubly-Fed Generator Based on PSCAD
Presenter: Tong Wu, China Huaneng Group Clean Energy Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd, Beijing, China

Research on energy storage type of uninterruptible power supply technology in Internet Data Center
Xisheng Tang, Institute of Electrical Engineer, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

A novel control strategy for the PMSG wind turbine integration with battery storage system
Presenter: Decai Li, China Electric Power Research Institute, China

A SOC-based fast charging optimization strategy with coupled electro-thermal-aging model for lithium-ion batteries
Presenter: Wenxin Chen, Power Economic Research Institute of State Grid Fujian Electric Power Company, China

Research on meteorological modeling point selection method for distributed PV power prediction
Presenter: Han Wu, State Power Rixin Technology Co.,Ltd., China

A Coordinated Control Scheme of Wind-Storage Combined Unit for Frequency Support
Presenter: Jia Tianxia, Tsinghua University, China

Probabilistic Production Simulation of Multi-Energy System and Practice in Transnational Energy System
Presenter: Runzhao Lu, China Electric Power Research Institute, China

Research on key technology of Digital Twin and its application in Integrated Energy
Qi Zhao, China Electric Power Research Institute, China