ICPES 2023 | Chengdu, China|December 8-10, 2023

2023 13th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems

The 13th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (ICPES 2023) was held in Chengdu, China from December 8-10, 2023. The venue was 成都望江宾馆 (Wangjiang Hotel). It's co-sponsored by UESTC, PES, IEEE. 2023年第十三届电力与能源系统国际会议于2023年12月8-10日在中国成都召开,欢迎广大学者踊跃投稿参加!本次会议由电子科技大学,北京研工新材料技术研究院联合主办,电子科技大学承办,IEEE, 华南理工大学,IEEE PES等单位联合支持举办。

Accepted papers were published into conference proceedings by IEEE. The proceedings will be submitted and reviewed by the IEEE Xplore and Ei Compendex and Scopus after the conference. 本次大会被录用的文章出版到IEEE会议集,并一如既往的由IEEE 数据库收录,并被Ei Compendex核心和Scopus等检索机构检索

■ 论文集入库 ICPES 2023 conference proceedings is indexed by IEEE Xplore - Click Here
■ 被列入IEEE 支持官方列表 - Click Here

ICPES 2023 Speakers
Udaya K. Madawala
King-Jet TSENG
Ruikun Mai
Xueqian Fu
Ronggang Ni
Zhang Shiling
Yiming Zhang


Excellent Oral Paper Presentation Winners

Paper Title: Impact of SNR on Sensorless Control of PMSMs with PHF Signal Injection
Author(s): Gayani De Soysa, Udaya Madawala, Matheus Bevilaqua, Nitish Patel
Presenter: Warusahannadige Gayani Shashika De Soysa, University of Auckland, New Zealand

Paper Title: A Hierarchical Framework for Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Distributed Control Combining Peer-to-peer Blockchain with Systemic Scheduling
Author(s): Yifan Wei, Yimin Zhu, Yudi Qin, Yalun Li, Hewu Wang, Xuebing Han, Languang Lu and Minggao Ouyang
Presenter: Yifan Wei, Tsinghua University, China

Paper Title: A practical method for generating day-ahead output probabilistic scenarios of mutiple wind farms based on K-shape clustering
Author(s): Lin Bo, Taishan Xu, Mengfu Tu and Jinjun Lu
Presenter: Lin Bo, NARI Group Co., Ltd.(State Key Laboratory of Smart Grid Protection and Control), China

Paper Title: A Self Blocking Hybrid Submodule With Capacitor Voltage Self -balancing Capability
Author(s): Yu Zhao, Xin Liu, Kuan Zheng and Jianpo Zhang
Presenter: Yu Zhao, North China Electric Power University, China

Paper Title: An Automated Parameter Design Framework for Flexible Interconnection Devices in Distribution Networks
Author(s): Liqiang Yuan, Jingfeng Wang, Minghao Zheng, Kainan Chen, Chao Sheng, Zhengming Zhao
Presenter: Jingfeng Wang, Tsinghua University, China

Paper Title: Research on Applications of Virtual Power Plants for Power Grid Peak-shaving Under Inertia Constraints
Author(s): Xinfan Jiang, Yonggang Liu, Jinbo Wu and Dijun Hu
Presenter: Xinfan Jiang, State Grid Hunan Electric Power Co., Ltd, China

Paper Title: Research on influence and capacity configuration optimization method of energy storage on power angle stability of large power grids
Author(s): Junling Wu, Jian Zhang, Qian Dai, Lei Yun
Presenter: Junling Wu, China Electric Power Research Institute, China

Paper Title: Research on Intelligent Inspection Method of Multi-robot Joint Inspection of Power Equipment under New Energy Access
Author(s): Guoliang Qian, Jiahui Zhang, Zilong Deng, Qinbin Huang, Leijian Hu
Presenter: Guoliang Qian, State Grid Zhejiang Pinghu City Electric Power Supply Co. Ltd, China

Paper Title: Comparison and Description of Enhanced Department-Based Arc Flash Safety Assessment with Substation-Based Arc Flash Safety Assessment
Author(s): Md Abid Khan, Rashid Almisfer, Mohammed Alghazi, Ali Alharith, Fareed Alsulami
Presenter: Md Abid Khan, Saudi ARAMCO, Saudi Arabia

Paper Title: Efficient Reduced-Order Algorithm for Transient Simulation of Transformer Thermal Characteristics
Author(s): Meng Gao, Ran Zhuo, Sicheng Zhao, Qiulin Chen, Mingli Fu, Lei Jia, Guoli Wang
Presenter: Meng Gao, Electric Power Research Institute, China Southern Power Grid Guangzhou, China

Paper Title: Design of energy information collection and analysis terminal with digital edge computing capabilities
Author(s): Xiao Peng, Bingxiang Luo, Zihao Lu, Lu Zhang, Yupeng Liu
Presenter: Yupeng Liu, Hunan University, China