ICPES 2024 - 2024 the 14th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems

Keynote Speakers



Xian-Yong Xiao, Sichuan University, China
Dean, College of Electrical Engineering, Sichuan University. China

Xian-Yong Xiao received the Ph.D. degree from Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, in 2010. He is currently a Professor and the Dean with the College of Electrical Engineering, Sichuan University. Professor Xiao is currently the IEEE Senior Member, Member of the IEEE Standards Coordinating Committee, Core Member of the IEEE ASEMD Chapter, Communication Member of CIGRE/CIRED JWG C4.42, Senior Member of the Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering, and the Editor of IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. His main research interests include power quality analysis and control, uncertainty theory of power systems, and distribution system reliability. In recent years, he has undertaken over 100 projects and published more than 200 papers in academic journals.

(Onsite Talk) Speech Title: Frequency Stability Enhancement within Converter-Dominated Power Systems

Abstract: The ongoing revolution in renewable energy generation and terminal electrification is transforming modern power systems, characterized by a high prevalence of grid-tied converters across generation, transmission, distribution, and consumption. This shift in leading equipment and the dynamic characteristics of power systems presents significant challenges, particularly concerning frequency stability. Recent years have seen several power blackouts worldwide due to frequency events, underscoring the urgent need to address frequency stability, especially with the increasing role of converters in supporting it.

In this keynote, we will explore global instances of grid frequency events, analyze the evolving technical requirements and trends in grid codes, and introduce key technologies that enable grid-tied converters to actively support frequency stability. Specifically, our discussion will cover an introduction to frequency trajectory planning-based converter control strategies, which balance grid code compliance with economic benefits for power producers, and the concept of power preset control, which swiftly compensates for power imbalances, extending the stability range of conventional grid-forming converters. This presentation aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and solutions in enhancing frequency stability within converter-dominated power systems.




Yijie Wang
Deputy Dean, School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Harbin Institute of Technology, China

Yijie Wang is the professor of Harbin Institute of Technology. He has received the Outstanding Youth Fund of National Natural Science Foundation of China. He hosts and participates in more than 20 projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Key Research and Development Plan of China; authorizes 20 invention patents; and publishes 1 book and more than 160 journal and conference papers. He has received 7 IEEE journal and conference prize paper awards, such as the First Prize Paper Award of IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics in 2018 and, the Second Prize Paper Award of IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics in 2017. He serves as associate editor of 5 high-level journals such as IEEE TIE, IEEE JESTPE, and IET Power Electronics. He was invited to organize tutorials at 6 international conferences such as IEEE IECON, and IEEE ECCE-Asia. He serves as the member of the IEEE IES Technical Committee on Power Electronics, Secretary of ILDC Committee of IEEE IAS, and Publication Chair of the Wireless Power Transfer Systems Technical Committee for IEEE Power Electronics Society.

(Onsite Talk) Speech Title: High Frequency Power Electronics and its Wireless Power Transfer Application

In recent decades, there is fast development high frequency power conversion technology. By increasing the operating frequency, the power density of the power module can be greatly improved, and dynamic response can be enhanced. One of the most emerging applications of high frequency power conversion is wireless power transfer system. which can enhance freedom and distance. For the talk firstly, the advantages and challenges of high frequency resonant wireless power transfer system are demonstrated. Based on high operating frequency, the large transformation range and high misalignment tolerance can be achieved through resonant coupling between the transmitting coil and receiving coil. Also, the WPT system volume can be significantly reduced and power density can be improved. Secondly, the application fields and products of high frequency WPT system are introduced, such as mobile devices, bioelectronics devices, aerospace equipment, etc. Finally, the development trend and challenges of high frequency resonant converter technology are discussed, such as high efficiency and high power density approaches, multi-band transmitter or receiver, far-field WPT system, and magnetic optimization for large space transmission in 2D and 3D conditions.




Sheldon Williamson
Professor and NSERC Canada Research Chair in Electric Energy Storage Systems for Transportation Electrification Ontario Tech University, Canada

Sheldon S. Williamson (S’01–M’06–SM’13) received the bachelor's of engineering (B.E.) degree in electrical engineering with high distinction from University of Mumbai, Mumbai, India, in 1999. He received the master's of science (M.S.) degree in 2002, and the doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) degree (with Hons.) in 2006, both in electrical engineering, from the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, USA, specializing in automotive power electronics and motor drives, at the Grainger Power Electronics and Motor Drives Laboratory.,He is an Associate Professor and NSERC Canada Research Chair in Transportation Electrification and Electric Energy Storage Systems, within the Department of Electrical, Computer, and Software Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, at the University of Ontario-Institute of Technology, Oshawa, ON, USA. From 2006 to 2014, he was with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada. His main research interests include the study and analysis of electric drive trains for electric, hybrid electric, plug-in hybrid electric, and fuel cell vehicles. His research interests also include modeling, analysis, design, and control of power electronic converters and motor drives for land, sea, air, and space vehicles, as well as the power electronic interface and control of renewable energy systems.,Dr. Williamson currently serves as a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS). He also serves as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, the IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, the IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, and the IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics.

(Online Talk) Speech Title: Empowering the Future: E-Mobility Trends and Opportunities in Battery Technology

Abstract: This talk will explore the latest advancements and emerging trends in battery technology for electric mobility. Key topics include innovations in battery chemistry, energy density, and fast-charging capabilities. The presentation will highlight opportunities for cost reduction, sustainability, and recycling in the battery supply chain. It will also address the role of policy, regulation, and industry collaboration in accelerating e-mobility adoption. Attendees will gain insights into market forecasts and the impact of battery breakthroughs on EV performance and accessibility. The session aims to equip stakeholders with knowledge to navigate and leverage these transformative industry shifts.




Zhaoyang Zhang
IEEE Fellow
Professor and Head of Department of Electrical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, China

Z.Y. Dong is Chair Professor and Head of Department of Electrical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong. His previous roles include Singapore Power Group Endowed Professor of Power Engineering, and Co-Director of SPG-NTU Joint Lab at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, SHARP Professor and the inaugural Director of UNSW Digital Grid Futures Institute, Director of ARC Research Hub for Integrated Energy Storage Solutions, Ausgrid Chair Professor and Director of Ausgrid Centre for Intelligent Electricity Networks with the AU$500m Smart Grid, Smart City national demonstration project of Australia. His research interest includes power system planning, load modelling, smart grid, smart cities, energy market, renewable energy and its grid connection, and computational methods and their application in power system analysis. He has been serving as editor/associate editor of several IEEE transactions and IET journals. He is a Fellow of IEEE.

(Online Talk) Speech Title: Real-time measurement for carbon emissions via Leveraging non-intrusive load monitoring

Abstract: Reliable and fast calculation of carbon emissions is an important task in achieving emission reduction against climate change. This talk presents an innovative real-time computational framework designed specifically for swiftly assessing carbon emissions originating from industrial load centres. Leveraging non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) together with real-time smart meter data, this framework offers a robust solution for efficiently quantifying emissions within industrial settings. Through NILEM we can gain invaluable insights into the intricate energy consumption patterns of industrial loads, enabling precise emission calculations with minimal intrusion. The real-time feature further enhances this framework providing decision-makers with tools for strategizing emission reduction measures within industrial operations. Case studies will be given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the framework compared with other common approaches.
